
Friday, March 18, 2011

Year 5&6 camp

Today we went for a walk around the tents.First we had a good look around.

We looked in the the cooking tent.The cooking tent had lots of food in it.The parents talked to us about what they're having for breakfast ,lunch and dinner.

Then we looked at the tents that the kids sleep in.The tents were really big.

We saw some kids that were cooking damper.They were cooking it on top of the camp fire.Whaea Raewyn told us that they were cooking damper with sultanas in it , so it could be sweet.

I can't wait for camp next year.I am looking forward to camp.Because I really want to go ice-skating and I want to cook damper.Being at camp will be fun.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Netbook reflection

On my netbook I have been learning how to log in to my google docs and our classroom site.On my goggle docs i have learnt how to organize my work and put things in the right place.I have learnt how use tux paint,blogger,my google docs and how to leave my digital footprint.
I feel really happy about having a netbook.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Take Charge

Mr Max Jacobsen wrote this song because our topic for the year which is Responsibility.
We are learning how to take charge so we have made this video to show Miss King we can work as a team and we worked our best.

Bomomo Art

I have used to create thees picture